The main key word in HERO is HOUSING. In HERO “HOUSING” means the process of social inclusion of people who experience serious mental disorders. For HERO “Housing” is more than a supported apartment, it is a system of social facilities into a network of human relations in a safe neighbourhood. HERO is a transnational project that aims to provide:
- Updated, correct, interdisciplinary information appropriate for all interlocutors, that circulates among all the actors involved in the different stages of Housing;
- A flexible educational model for Housing, addressed to local communities, developed starting from the experience of those that are directly or indirectly involved with housing.
HERO is concerned with the education and training of civil society, socio-sanitary staff, volunteers and adults with experiences of severe mental issues.
Target of the project are local community actors where Housing is active or can be activated: civil society, volunteers, professionals, users and families. The methodology on which the project’s activities are based on deals with welfare Co-production, Empowerment, Recovery.
Six organizations from 5 EU countries, coordinated by the ASL ROMA2 (Italy), are part of the partnership, with long experience in mental health care, de-institutionalisation and social inclusion actions for people with severe mental disease and are interested in sharing community based policies, educational methodologies and praxis on Housing at EU level. The partnership originates from the European Mental Health Action Plan for 2010-2020, linked with the inclusion policies at their national level. The experiences developed in each country are precious elements of confrontation at a transnational level. They will ensure a strong European added value to the project's results. Similar problems and goals make the partnership strongly oriented to move jointly towards quality and inclusive EU products. The different experiences will enlarge the area of implementation of the innovative products. Each organization represents a different point of view: from citizens to professionals, from public to private, from health to social care. HERO aims to integrate them into a European dimension.
The first transnational meeting was in Athens. The partners were able to get to know each other, to introduce their organisations, to exchange opinions on the issue of mental health and its dedicated aids. From the very beginning, there was a friendly and collaborative work environment. The welcome session was opened with the welcome and some written notes on the topic from Mrs Kostadinka Kuneva (MEP) Member of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs and Co-president at Disability Intergroup of European Parliament, and from Tomas Zdechovsky, Member of the European Parliament - Czech Republic. The meeting had the support of the office of the European Parliament in Greece.
As planned some users with mental health issues, from different Services, took part to the Introductive Session. It was very interesting and participants were introduced to Housing as experienced by the Greek users. The topic of housing for people with severe mental health issues was largely addressed. This was also thanks to the duration of the meeting, the comfort of the venue and multiple opportunities to socialise. The study visit to the Specialised Day Centre “Social Dialogue Centre” is an example of it. The meeting had the support of the office of the European Parliament in Greece.

Work in progress. The partners are conducting focus groups with the different targets of the project. About 540 adults will be involved. They are also working on the international review of the main publications on Housing and mental Health. Both the activities aim at collecting data to set up the e-book on the Quality Housing indicators, the next step for Hero’s partnership.
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