All the members of Hero’s partnership are very glad to introduce the eBook

The eBook is a contribution to the spreading of the teams’ experiences and ideas on Housing for people with experiences of severe mental health issues.
The partnership is made up of six organisations from 5 EU countries, headed by the ASL ROMA 2; it originates from the European Mental Health Action Plan for 2010-2020.

Over the past year 65 international papers were selected and reviewed and 25 focus groups were carried out to set up the quality indicators toolkit, and the eBook is now ready.
The eBook represents the first step of HERO, the three-year European project, for improving housing pathways in the field of mental health.
The target readers are local community actors where Housing is active or can be activated, interested in non-formal and informal learning: civil society, volunteers, professionals, users and families.
The eBook’s aim is to help local communities to use housing indicators in order to improve housing projects.
We are open to any kind of feedback from you, in order to improve the quality of housing projects concerning mental health.
You can download the eBook for free at, in each partners’ language.
It was featured in national newspapers, also in digital editions.
The partnership is currently involved in the development of the EU interactive training targeting local community actors. A first version of the training, together with its interactive learning tools will be presented and validated during the next Transnational Project Meeting in March 2018, in Antwerp – Belgium.
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