HERO, the three-year project on Housing for people with experience in severe mental illness, is halfway through.
The piloting phase is near, the Partnership is wrapping up the training materials necessary to improve the skills of local communities in housing processes. Before their final release on the online platform, they will be tested with citizens, users and their families, mental health workers, operators of other organizations.
We’d like to show you some of HERO’s milestones. The diagram you see below summarizes HERO’s main activities (some of them already closed, other in progress or to be implemented soon) and their logical progression and planning. They will help you to understand the working methodology used in HERO, with a wide implication of people from the target groups; a methodology that is contributing to making HERO innovative and strongly oriented to implement quality in housing projects.
September 2016 - July 2017

The European Partnership: comparison of experiences and policies for inclusion and housing

Selection and analysis of international literature on the subject

Focus Groups: meetings with people from HERO target groups, with their opinions and experiences in Housing

The E Book

Training needs Survey with the HERO target groups
July 2017 - July 2018
July 2018 - July 2019

Design and implementation of the training CURRICULUM for local communities with online learning materials for citizens, Mental Health Service and other organizations workers, users and family members. All with exercises, tests, videos, good practices. All in five languages: English, Croatian, Greek, Dutch and Italian.
- Curriculum handbook for trainers
- Curriculum piloting within Local Communities
- Final publication of the online version of the Curriculum and its dissemination
HERO project foresees an active participation of local communities in the piloting phase, in which we hope that many of you will be interested. Anyway, the next newsletter will be dedicated to give you feedback about the outcomes of the HERO piloting phase of the Curriculum.
For more information: